We give you the best flour for fresh pasta and we are sure that you know how to make an excellent product: but do you also know everything you need to do to preserve it?

We give you some little advice for preserving fresh pasta, even filled ones, using the refrigerator, freezer or drying method.

In the refrigerator
• First of all it is important to create small, well-floured portions, so that the dough does not stick
• Fresh pasta can be stored in the refrigerator for a maximum of 2-3 days, in tightly closed plastic containers or in resealable food bags.
• It is not recommended to store filled pasta in the refrigerator, because the contents are usually moist and prolonged contact with the pastry could wet it and flake it.
In freezer
• Freezing in the freezer is suitable for both fresh pasta and egg pasta, even filled ones. In summary, it is good for all types of pasta, let’s see how to do it.
• Allow the pasta to air dry, placing it on a tea towel.
•Place the pasta on a tray or in any case on a flat surface, with the individual pieces spaced apart (in the case of long pasta, create small single-portion nests).
• Leave to freeze in the fridge for a few hours. Once completely frozen, collect small portions and place them in special bags, tightly closed.
• Please note: frozen pasta must not be defrosted, otherwise it will lose consistency and become wet. Once taken out of the freezer it should be cooked immediately in boiling water.
• You can keep fresh pasta in the freezer for 2 months.

What if I have little space in the freezer and want to keep my homemade pasta for a long time? The right method is drying (not valid for stuffed pasta).
• To transform our fresh pasta into dried pasta and store it in the pantry at home – as was done in the past – it is sufficient to equip ourselves with small special frames, with micro-perforated bottoms (for short pasta) or special drying racks (for long pasta).
• Place the dough on the frame or on the drying rack, which is specifically created to allow air to circulate from all sides.
• The ideal condition for drying is obviously a cool and slightly humid environment.
• The drying process lasts about two days, after which it is possible to place the pasta in food bags and keep it for a few months.

Do you want a perfect flour for your fresh pasta sheets?
Try ours Flour for puff pastry together with ours Remilled semolina, perfect for dusting.

Our pastry flour is specifically designed to create a pleasantly rough dough, suitable for retaining the seasoning. Furthermore, its particular low ash content process allows for obtaining a sheet of perfectly golden colour.